Install Nano On Centos 7 Documentation

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Introduction Relational database management systems like MySQL and MariaDB are needed for a significant portion of web sites and applications. However, not all users feel comfortable administering their data from the command line.

To solve this problem, a project called phpMyAdmin was created in order to offer an alternative in the form of a web-based management interface. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to install and secure a phpMyAdmin configuration on a CentOS 7 server. We will build this setup on top of the Apache web server, the most popular web server in the world. Prerequisites Before we begin, there are a few requirements that need to be settled. To ensure that you have a solid base to build this system upon, you should run through our. To download adhuram madhuram in sanskrit full mp3 song. Among other things, this will walk you through setting up a non-root user with sudo access for administrative commands. The second prerequisite that must be fulfilled in order to start on this guide is to install a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP) stack on your CentOS 7 server.

This is the platform that we will use to serve our phpMyAdmin interface (MariaDB is also the database management software that we are wishing to manage). If you do not yet have a LAMP installation on your server, follow our tutorial on. Fender guitar serial numbers lookup

When your server is in a properly functioning state after following these guides, you can continue on with the rest of this page. Step One — Install phpMyAdmin With our LAMP platform already in place, we can begin right away with installing the phpMyAdmin software. Unfortunately, phpMyAdmin is not available in CentOS 7's default repository.

To get the packages we need, we'll have to add an additional repo to our system. The EPEL repo ( Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) contains many additional packages, including the phpMyAdmin package we are looking for. The EPEL repository can be made available to your server by installing a special package called epel-release. This will reconfigure your repository list and give you access to the EPEL packages. To install, just type: sudo yum install epel-release Now that the EPEL repo is configured, you can install the phpMyAdmin package using the yum packaging system by typing: sudo yum install phpmyadmin The installation will now complete.


The installation included an Apache configuration file that has already been put into place. We will need to modify this a bit to get it to work correctly for our installation. Open the file in your text editor now so that we can make a few changes: sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf Inside, we see some directory blocks with some conditional logic to explain the access policy for our directory. There are two distinct directories that are defined, and within these, configurations that will be valid for both Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4 (which we are running). Currently, this setup is configured to deny access to any connection not being made from the server itself. Since we are working on our server remotely, we need to modify some lines to specify the IP address of your home connection.

Change any lines that read Require ip or Allow from to refer to your home connection's IP address. If you need help finding the IP address of your home connection, check out the next section. There should be four locations in the file that must be changed:.. Require ip your_workstation_IP_address..

Allow from your_workstation_IP_address.. Require ip your_workstation_IP_address.. Allow from your_workstation_IP_address.. When you are finished, restart the Apache web server to implement your modifications by typing: sudo systemctl restart httpd.service With that, our phpMyAdmin installation is now operational. To access the interface, go to your server's domain name or public IP address followed by /phpMyAdmin, in your web browser: server_domain_or_IP/phpMyAdmin To sign in, use a username/password pair of a valid MariaDB user. The root user and the MariaDB administrative password is a good choice to get started. You will then be able to access the administrative interface: Find Your IP Address You will need to know the IP address of the computer you are using to access your databases in order to complete the step above.

This is a security precaution so that unauthorized people cannot connect to your server. Note: This is not the IP address of your VPS, it is the IP address of your home or work computer. You can find out how the greater web sees your IP address by visiting one of these sites in your web browser: • • • Compare a few different sites and make sure they all give you the same value. Use this value in the configuration file above. Step Two — Secure your phpMyAdmin Instance The phpMyAdmin instance installed on our server should be completely usable at this point.