Contoh Soal Untuk Kakang Mbekayu

Sebagai sebuah aksi berbagi kebahagiaan untuk masyarakat kabupaten ponorogo. Dalam kegiatan ' aksi kampanye senyum malam pergantian tahun 2014'. Kakang senduk. 1.Untuk menjawab soal. Kakang Aji marilah kita memuja pada segala Dewa-Dewa memohonkan kalau-kalau dianugerahkan oleh Dewata mulia raja akan kita akan anak ini.'
Hi, kakang’e lan mbook’e. Priwe kabarnya n so far ok??
Same-same lah and god bless you. Nih eqe nak sharing bagi anda yang mau join ke M E O di gedung parfi sono kantornya. Biasanya orang deck di pre tes seperti ini. Sebenrnya sih gampang-gampang susah. Koq bisa yah? Klo yg sudah pernah join perusahaan bonafit tentunya pasti akan lebih leluasa menjawabnya lha.!
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Ok lah di lanjut ajay yah kang mas lan mbekayu yg cakep dan cantik.! Ngarep pasti kaya kue yah??? Oh yah, tuk symbol / gambar ga bisa ke in put disini, abis eqe bikin pake symbol di word n tak paste begitu deh hasilnya.! Tapi sampean bisa di download aja tuh di akhir catatan ini ada file yang dah ku edit full in pdf.
M E O Officer Pre-Recruitment Test Deck Officer NAUTICAL: 1. While manoeuvring the SME is engaged astern and the port engine a head, to which side the rudder will be placed. Answer: Put Ruder on STBD side 3.
While manoeuvring the PME is engaged astern and the SME a head, to which side the rudder will be placed. Answer: Put Rudder on Port side 4. Two, three of four engines engaged a stern, what will be the rudder position? Answer: Put rudder on Mid Ship. TIDE TABLES: 5.
What is mean by the expression LAT? Related to the tide table. Answer: LAT – Lower Astronomical Tide is meaning of high water measured by astronomical calculation by noon and sun when a rise or a set. Draw the symbol for the flood tidal stream knot.
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Answer: /////////// 7. What is mean by the expression HWS, MSL, ISLW, HAT. Answer HWS – High water spring MSL – Mean sea level ISLW – Indian spring low water HAT – High astronomical tide CHART WORK: 8. What is mean by symbol ISO? Answer: ISO is an Isolated Danger Marks erected on, or moored on above an isolator danger which has navigable water all ardent.
Explain the colours of isolated danger, Safe water mark, and Special mark buoy. Answer: -Isolated danger mark is 2 shape black sphere one above the others, colours black with one or more broad horizontal red bends. -Safe water mark is shape pillar / spar with spherical top mark, colours red and white vertical stripes. -Special marks buoy is shape single yellow “X” and colours is Yellow 10. Draw the symbol for a dangerous wreck! Answer: / / / / / / / / 11.
Explain shape and light exhibited by vessel restricted in ability to manoeuvre. Answer: 3 red vertical ( Night Light Signal ), 1 Cylinder in vertical ( Day Light Signal ) 12. Explain the signal for abandon ship, fire drill, man over board. Answer: MOB: 3 Long Blasts Fire Drill: Continuous ringing Abandon ship: 7 short blast follow by 1 long blast and Order Verbal by Master 13. Explain which signal is giving a vessel while over taking another vessel in a channel, Port side – starboard side. Answer: Over taking by STBD Side Over taking by PORT Side ISM CODE: 14.