How To Install Google Market On Archos 53

I am getting an Archos next week and was told there is a certain Market I'll want to download after getting the 2.2 update. I was told there is a newer 2.2 upgrade that just came out that fixes some of the bugs that were in the 1st 2.2 update.
But someone told me something about the market place being a #2 and a #4 and that I want the #4 is that correct? Cause I know there is a new market now I think on the phones. I just want to make sure I get the correct apk. I think I put it in my file manager and extract from there. I'll read about that more when I get it.
Edit' I Now have the new marketplace on my phone so I do I get that from XDA? I see it says something about 2 zip files on that 1st page I don't really know which to get but I'll figure out as the times comes and I get my Archos.
How to install the Android Market on the Archos 7 Home Tablet. Click install and A7 will reboot. Install Market and G-apps On Archos Android Internet Tablet. Zatch bell episode 150 download in hindi. Como Instalar Market En Archos 7o/101 Internet Tablet. You can use this program to install Google Apps and Market on your Archos Gen8. Google Marketplace and Google Apps works.
I am getting an Archos next week and was told there is a certain Market I'll want to download after getting the 2.2 update. I was told there is a newer 2.2 upgrade that just came out that fixes some of the bugs that were in the 1st 2.2 update. But someone told me something about the market place being a #2 and a #4 and that I want the #4 is that correct? Cause I know there is a new market now I think on the phones. I just want to make sure I get the correct apk.
I think I put it in my file manager and extract from there. I'll read about that more when I get it. Edit' I Now have the new marketplace on my phone so I do I get that from XDA? I see it says something about 2 zip files on that 1st page I don't really know which to get but I'll figure out as the times comes and I get my Archos.[/QUOTE you need to get gAppsInstaller_v4.apk from market and install it and it will work with 2.2 lu.
About is a community dedicated to Android Tablets made by various manufacturers. We discuss topics including Android Tablet Help, Android Tablet Reviews, Android Tablet Apps, Android Tablet Accessories (such as Tablet Keyboards, Tablet Cases, Tablet Covers), Android Tablet Games and more. Our goal is to be the Internet's largest and best Android Tablet Forum. is not affiliated with Google. We are an enthusiast site dedicated to everything Android Tablet.
Now, download the new Android Virtual Machine that has the Android Market installed. Select the Android 1.5 link, as this is the simplest to setup.
Once the download is finished, you can open the file in your favorite archival program. If you don’t have a program installed to read RAR files like this, download the free 7zip ( link below). Extract the files, and then open the folder where you extracted them. Open your Android virtual machine folder; you can do this easily by entering the following in your Explorer address bar:%userprofile%/.android/avd Copy the files and folder you just extracted to folder. In folder, open the new AndEmu.ini file in Notepad. We need to change the path to our Android folder. If you’re using Windows XP, replace user with your username; if you’re using Windows 7 or Vista, replace Documents and Settings user with Users your_user_name, replacing your_user_name with your real user name.
Here’s our edited AndEmu.ini file, though again, remember that you’ll need to specify the correct username for your computer. Remember to save the file when you’re finished.
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You’re now ready to start the new virtual Android. Open the Android SDK Manager, and you should see your new AndEmu listed along with your other Android virtual machines.