Installation Of Garden Club Officers Ceremonies
WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL, INC. € INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS SUGGESTED INSTALLATION CEREMONY € Installing new officers is a very important procedure in Club operations and has a very special significance.
TFGC CLUB PROGRAM COLLECTION SPRING 2014 For more information and to donate or request a “Program” from the collection contact: Cecilia Cordeiro, TFGC Club Program Chair at: PO Box 381705 Germantown TN Home (901)748-3409 Email at ALLERGENS CAN I IRRITATE YOU?-YOU BET! I Am Poison Ivy! -by Kathy Rychen. A “Biography” of Poison Ivy – Narrative/Script TISSUE TIME – “Aaaachew” - by Kathy Rychen.
The DTEXEC /DECRYPT option. Simple: Add ”/DECRYPT password” to the DTEXEC command line parameters and the errors go away. Dtexec decrypt. I'm looking at the syntax instructions for using dtexec from the command line and so far not seeing enough detail on how to use the decrypt option. Exit codes returned from dtexec utility. When a package runs, dtexec can return an exit. This parameter is ignored when the dtexec utility is run from the command. DTEXEC Command Line Parameters Using Command Files. There were of course a number of command line parameters specified for DTEXEC. One such parameter was PlanID. When the person who ran this in debug opened the pkg, he had no choice except to respond to the prompt for pswd. Dtexec /FILE E: SSIS. Calling an SSIS package from a batch file; About Me.
What, where, why and how to avoid seasonal allergies-Includes lists of plants to cultivate and plants to avoid– Narrative/Script ARTS AND CRAFT S LEAF POUNDING–A TECHNIQUE FOR FABRIC PRINTING -by Barbara Jones. Printing fabrics using flowers and other botanicals between layers of natural fiber fabrics and a hammer.
Written directions and photos BIRDS, BUTTERFLIES AND SPIDERS BIRDS IN OUR BACKYARDS -by Helene Gardner. Power Point Presentation with illustrations and legends POLLINATORS OF A DIFFERENT KIND - HUMMINGBIRDS - by Kathy Rychen. Narrative/Script BUTTERFLIES AND BLOSSOMS –by Georgia Elizer and the late Louise Pearson. Originally a slide show, this program consists of a script of 64 statements about butterflies and samples of the beautiful photos taken by the program authors. Original slides are no longer available; users must provide their own illustrations of the specimens listed on the script.
SPIDERS -SPENDING AN AFTERNOON WITH SADIE – A beautiful Argiope Spider I Called Sadie – by Kathy Rychen. A loving science lesson about spiders –Personal narrative/script CONSERVATION: SUPER SAVER - “CORRECT” DECISIONS FOR CONSERVATION –by Cindy Hintz - We Know All We Tell All. Script for Humorous Skit THE CHALLENGE OF POISONED WATERS-by Lila Lusk- An abbreviated and updated version of the Original PBS Broadcast –A Power Point presentation of the state and the problems of water pollution (NEW) TO BE OR NOT TO BE GREEN-Steps to a Greener Home and Community –A Personal Narrative by LaQuita Misner.
GARDEN CLUB WAYS – Garden Clubs’ Roles, Rules and Ceremonies FROM THE “VEGETABLE GARDEN” -A SPECIAL INSTALLATION CEREMONY -by Taye Morphis-Linking certain vegetables and their characteristics with the offices and officers of a garden club (NEW) KNOW YOUR BY-WAYS AND BY-LAWS- The Road A Garden Club Follows-b y Lila Lusk -Power Point Presentation followed by a workshop. Groups work in teams on a “challenge” featuring topics of garden club procedures and bylaws and report their “ findings” to the other groups. (NEW) MEMBERSHIP -LET’S GET GROWING – CULTIVATING MEMBERSHIP – “Relating Planting and Growing to Recruiting and Growing Membership “-by Joyce Merritt. Script for a casual presentation by a “gardener” in full regalia such as garden hat, gloves, hand tools, seed catalog, and a bucket. - PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES -GARDEN CLUB MANAGEMENT -by Phyllis Wood, former NGC President. -Four CDs of lighthearted/humorous presentations on the topics of parliamentary procedures, by-laws and protocol, with the following titles: “Let Me Tell You About Our Meeting”, “They Call Me the Bylaw Lady-A Term of Endearment”, “Guess Who Is President Now” and “But Who Will Bring the Protocol?”- Each Segment may be used separately on its own. A gift to the collection from Ann McCormick HORTICULTURE BAMBOO by Cynthia Humes –Originally presented in a backyard where bamboo “reigned”–Types of bamboo growth patterns and uses.

Presentation culminated with a session for children on making a fishing pole. Pole”- Narrative and photos -Program may be adapted for indoor settings. IT’S A DAYLILY WORLD -Daylilies are for Everyone - by Darlene Glisson. Power Point presentation -Color photos, legends and charts outlining the functions of daylily parts and featuring many varieties of the flower. FLOWERS OF HAWAII - by Linda Davis. A DVD with 23 color slides of Hawaii’s Flowering Plants taken by the author with accompanying script describing each slide FROM THE KITCHEN TO THE GARDEN –by Martha Woods-How so many items from our kitchen shelves are also useful in the garden Script/Narrative (NEW) GRASSES - True Grass and its Relatives –by Kathy Rychen.